Elf The Musical is the hilarious and heartwarming tale of Buddy, a young orphan child whose life is changed forever when he mistakenly crawls into Santa’s sack of toys one Christmas Eve. Raised by elves in the North Pole, Buddy’s enormous size and poor toy-making abilities make him realize he doesn’t quite fit in. When he discovers he is human, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father, and in turn, helps the Big Apple rediscover the true meaning of Christmas. Hailed by Time Out as “a slickly irresistible and fizzily enjoyable confection of a show” that will “whirl you up in a technicolor dream of Christmas,” this modern-day holiday classic returns home to New York in an acclaimed West End production that “has the magic to send you out of the theatre smiling and singing” (The Times of London).
2hr 30min. Incl. 15min intermission.
Ages 4+.
November 9th, 2024
January 4th, 2025
By: Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin, adapted from the screenplay by David Berenbaum
Songs by: Matthew Sklar (music) and Chad Beguelin (lyrics)
Director: Philip Wm. McKinley
Choreography: Liam Steel
Cast list: Grey Henson (as Buddy the Elf), Sean Astin (as Santa), Kayla Davion (as Jovie), Michael Hayden (as Walter Hobbs), Ashley Brown (as Emily Hobbs), Kai Edgar (as Michael), Jennifer Sanchez (as Deb), Kalen Allen (as the Store Manager), Michael Deaner (as Little Boy)
Sets: Tim Goodchild
Costumes: Tim Goodchild
Lighting: Patrick Woodroffe
Sound: Gareth Owen
Other info: Video design by Ian William Galloway, music supervision by Alan Williams
Wheelchair access, assisted listening devices, closed captioning devices, seat accessibility
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